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Multimedia Creative
After years in and around the U.K. I have returned to 'My Africa'... although still freelancing, teaching classes and creating other
'arty stuff'...  
Check out my work and feel free to contact me.

Link to my 'BIO'  > > BIO

... Examples of my work....[or select from the 'drop-down' menu]

ads x 2
Watercolour children cropped sm
Nelson Mandela - 3D model
'Hipnosis' invitation design
Remote Pipe Welder illustration
Quench drink can design
'BWS C26T31' 3D model
Tramal / Tramadol medical ad
Squirrel iPad illustration
Children's Book cover illustration
Frog toon - UTA poster
Buz Logo
News info graphics
Garden Centre concept presentation sketch
'Atlantic Tube' info graphic
Panic Room News Illustration
horse racing
CRM brochure cover
Logos Pharmaceuticals - poster
'Cafe' - interior 3D walk-through
Dyroach (and Dyant) magasine adverts
'Tone Ranger' - AT&T USA
Felix (cat food) illustrations
twins medical - Information Graphic
Aprovel medical advert
Crosse & Blackwell
Dyant Illustrations
Dancing Piggybank
EDGARS window illustrations

For those of you who don't know my background

[and as 'AI' is increasingly seen and sadly, increasingly 'decisive'] . . .

I should point out that having worked with U.K. universities for several years, 'artificial intelligence'; 'Machine Learning'; AR; VR; 'Deep Learning'; 'FX'  etc was very much a part of my daily 'recording', 'experiments' and requirements - so this is not a 'new thing', but was 'with us' a number of years ago and in various apps and formats. . .

[I have often said how 'useful' /'helpful' AI can be, but not when it takes over from our 'natural creativity' - I refer mainly to the 'arts' (audio and visual) ]

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