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'Toad & Mouse'
children's book -
Story by my wife and illustrations by moi...
Available to buy from here as an
'e-book' or PDF
for £5,00
Once I have the notification and your
email address , from Paypal >>>
I will send you both book formats
via by ''...

Draw an animal - 1
Keeping your youngsters learning & entertained...
Download the free app - SketchBook, (it's really good!) - or you can follow and draw on paper of course...
Click on the image to play and you can also watch it as full screen
more to follow...
Send me your feedback & let me know how you are getting on...
Now comes my 'cap-in-hand' moment > >
As these tutorials have become my 'major source of income',
your kind donations will to keep me going...
and your feedback is also welcome!
Many thanks, Ian
FEEDBACK . FEEDBACK . FEEDBACK! - send your feedback!
Send me your feedback & let me know how you are getting on...
Draw an animal - 2
more in this series to follow...
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