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More tutorials - some free and others to buy - All tutorials and items here were made/produced by myself... Feel free to contact me with any queries or requests.
This is my personal secure purchase website
As I no longer earn a salary, your support is greatly appreciated

LOGO design in VECTORNATOR - (iPad/Mac app)
Vectornator is a FREE vector design application for your iPad or Mac desktop. It is both powerful and 'quirky'... but overall, it is well worth having if you want to learn how to make vector graphics and logos...
I have made this a free tutorial, but you will need this 'password ' CODE to view it: buzzmelogo
Please consider donating, to enable me to keep going...

COMING SOON - New Powerpoint Tutorials
a. How to build complex symbols
b. How to make an engaging and memorable presentation
c. New features of Powerpoint - Mac and PC
this is a FREE tutorial to download

FREE - 'Quick & simple Adobe AfterEffects interface tutorial' -
For those of you stepping into After Effects, this tutorial will take you through the basics and essentials of Adobe After Effects
This is a free tutorial, but a donation much appreciated
Contact me with any queries >>>
'Creating a simple character animation
in After Effects - Series of 6 videos
Using the 'parent / child' anchor approach -
... I have updated and added more content to these particular tutorials - so they are now available in my UDEMY lessons...
Contact me with any queries >>>
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