Some snapshots and video clips from large E-learning / Distance Learning
projects, 'MOOCs', interactive learning modules, 'whiteboard animations' and 'explainer videos'..
Software I work with includes: Cinema4D, Adobe CC suite - including: Photoshop, After Effects, Illustrator, Audition, Muse, Dreamweaver, Edge Animate (Adobe), Fuse; Clip Studio Pro, Final Cut Studio Pro, (including Motion), Keynote, PowerPoint, Office, .... ++
Above - a quick mix of 'whiteboard-type' animations
Above - Product Lifecycle Management' animation for Proctor and Gamble, USA
Short montage from various projects
Above - Shakespeare MOOC project
Above - Internet of Things MOOC project
Animated intro...
Part of a US TV documentary I was commissione to build and put together...
recent Health & Safety animated project

ITV / GCap Media / Global Media - Health & Safety
E-Learning projects.
(produced during 2006-2008)

Have worked on a series of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) for King's College... These go into the 'FutureLearn.com' platform where you can sign up for free to any course - (other universities included)

Above - A sample 3D simulation - for King's College, 'Nursing & Midwifery'
Sample work displayed here comprises some of the concept, video, multimedia, 2D and 3D animation and illustration
I have produced over the last few years